-------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. = = README.TXT for SpeedStar 24X Windows 3.1 Drivers = = 19 August 1992 = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 drivers are installed by performing the following steps: [1] .. Install Windows 3.1 for VGA and verify its operation. [2] .. From the Program Manager, choose File | Run [3] .. Execute the INSTALL program from the C:\SS24X directory. (ie. C:\SS24X\INSTALL.EXE ) [4] .. Choose the desired resolution, colors, and font. When finished, click 'OK' to load the new driver. If the Windows SETUP program prompts you for the location of the SS24X Windows 3.1 drivers, type 'C:\SS24X\WIN31DRV'. Alternate Installation: Extract both the WIN31DRV.EXE and SHARED.EXE files into the C:\SS24X\WIN31DRV sub-directory and use the 'Other' option from the Windows SETUP program to select the new driver from the new sub-directory. For further assistance, consult your SpeedStar 24X manual.